Friday, April 06, 2007


I think I’m on a celebrate-the-self high. I’m quite kicked about it. Suddenly I see all the good in myself. I’m feeling immensely proud and pompous. I know it’s big-headed of me and not doing me much good… But what the hell :)

I still see all my faults but I’m suddenly proud of them too. Proud of being the person I am, no matter what my shortcomings. Arrogance, I might call it. But no… Not quite exactly. It’s more celebratory. Triumphant, the feeling. The euphoria one gets after riding in a bike with the wind in one’s face and the exhilarating laughter that accompanies it. When you find a sloping piece of grassy land which you can run down, arms flailing all directions. You can’t stop yourself from running down, and neither do you want to. We used to have that thing, in school. There was a massive tree there too, which split into two great branches and two could sit on either branch, and talk endlessly, secluded in a private world of their own.

I wonder how long this feeling would last. How long I’ll keep smiling to myself for no reason at all. How long I’ll keep skipping from one room to another and hug everybody on the way. How long I’ll greet everyone with an enthusiastic ‘hello!!’ How long I’ll look around and feel content, and blessed.


Anonymous said...

Not related, not related SORRY but whats flash fiction? :B

ami said...

Really short shortstories (fiction). Usually around 200-1000 words. Google it (i did) and you'll get a [i]much[/i] detailed answer ;)

The Cat said...

hey.. i linked you to this particular post that i did yesterday. i hope you dont mind? if you do, do let me know.

and yes, celebrate thyself. who needs someone else to assure you when you know you're beautiful. :)

ami said...

Na na... All good. And yeah, but more than being beautiful, it's the not-so-beautiful too that I've begun to like.