Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just... wrong.

It's true. People are selfish. In myriad ways. They inevitably always want something in return. And it doesn't surprise me anymore. I flinch, but it's momentary. Metal has it's benefits. Except dents weaken.

It surrounds, and sometimes it's not so crude. Sometimes it's so gentle that you never know until you've examined the damage. Or when it hits you brutally, one day. You've to ready, expectant. It's wrong somehow, this constant alert. It takes the pleasure out of things, or atleast lessens it. It makes me cautious, and I tread softly. Almost too softly, and one day I can't take it anymore and go back to striding. And then I recede in horror, inevitably. Sometimes I'm surprised, pleasantly, and it's almost a reassuring feeling. Almost. I hate being aware. Actually I don't. I just hate the ugly truths. They shouldn't be truths. They don't deserve to be. They should be done away with, and I'm not wistful of any sort of utopia. It's just that I know that things can change. Have I not lived that difference ? Am I not living it, in so many ways ?


Anonymous said...

This is like looking inside the inside of my head.

The Cat said...

happens to everybody, sometime or the other. but no matter how things turn out, just don't let the innocence get away.

ami said...

@ sporadicblogger

It's comforting to know you see it... And at the same time it's not, because I don't wish it for you, of all the people. YOU would never deserve it, oh god no. But i guess no one does, I'm just biased towards you.


You're right. Completely. It's just... so hard. Retaining innocence. You can't retain it unless you do. Do I make any sense? It isn't always your call. Thankfully or not, it's okay abi. I just dread that it won't be, sometime. As long as we have people around us who still AREN'T acting like so, at least with you, you can retain the innocence. Though I'm not sure whether it's innocence or faith or wishful thinking or hope or simply stubbornness. Whatever it is, it keeps me sane.

Anonymous said...

Its not that unpleasant :) It happens, then happy things happen :)
Exams make you see the morbid side of life :)

ami said...

Lol :)
Okay, that actually made me bounce :D

Hanedin said...

aren't you?

Hanedin said...

I know I am.

Hanedin said...

Darn, I did not understand what your blog post mean. I have learnt my lesson, I WILL HENCEFORTH READ before I comment.

Pshew..but selfishness has it's virtues...that is what I meant.