Sunday, April 25, 2010

What a shock

To find it in your drafts.

Something dictated to me, one day, an apology? No, I don't know what to call it. But since I know you never read this, it's okay:

"This is not very familiar, you saying "i dont wanna talk to you" and i dont honestly like it very much... Feel sad... They say that you shouldnt convince your friends and enemies. Enemies wont get convinced and friends dont need to. But they also say take no one for granted. I am sorry. I dont wanna push it cause i dont wanna force myself on you in any way. Im ashamed, cause I feel im not the same person you wrote the testimonial about in orkut. There is always been something about you that has drawn me to your company, and it always will. so im never worried that we will grow apart. What further strengthens this is that i know that you wont let go either. You're a good person, and Im not as good as you thought me to be. But im sure i can make that up somehow... Cheer up.. you had worse... sorry. okok no jokes."



Unknown said...

Drafts are the epitome of Compunction, I always say. I always will, from now on at least. What's up, stalkee?

ami said...

Hey! I did not know you were still around, stalker :P
Drafts can be like pensieves.
Uneasy memories.

Unknown said...

Bleddy hell, the supergeek influence you people have had on me, i knew the exact harry potter wikia site to use for the pensieves ref. grr.

Let's just file me under omnipresent entities then? There is this Indranil Basu who writes for TOI who tricks me everytime!

You want to know the latest GOSS-SIP?
So do I.

ami said...

Hain na! I get startled too! Haha I'm guessing that will happen a lot more often now, people will excitedly call me up after 'reading my article'. How amusing.

Unknown said...

YOU, You sly fox, you.
A medium-to-large-ish sized birdie tells me you're seeing sumbadi!

CAn't tell or what? :-/