Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Irritating sonavabitches.


Confused n Baffled said...

get beyond that.

grow up now.

the time for cuteness in innocence is past.

how long did you think it would last?

time to take stock, to have control.

to not let go, and make a something of a whole.

sound drunken enough?

ami said...

nope. you're swaying only one way. you just look wonky with that slant. but. you have to make me understand. what is with the "amp;" after the ampercent sign?

Princess Stefania said...

You're being too nice by half.

kyra said...


esperante said...

Fucking bastards. Absolutely.

Confused n Baffled said...

just absolutely non-stop kitty party action, eh? no step back to think again? no re-consideration of words? just a continuous stream of hate spouted blindly at an entire half of a species?

the dominant one (as i still like to think of it) that too?

sigh. sometimes i wish it was still legal to use the old bullwhip if a woman started talking too much.

sigh. the good old days.

ami said...

i was just about to smile and say, a slight reconsideration of words, and maybe not so harsh an admonition. But the "good old days" killed it. Though I'm sure thats what you wanted, or better still, dont care. :) Nevertheless, asshole.

PS- We do use the bullwhip still. Not so much a physical manifestation of it anymore, but as much painful. But come on, one thinks, this post was just an angry, angry ball of trembling reaction, we'll not launch it to this here. Everyone, disappear.