Sunday, May 04, 2008

The tag thing :)

Last movie seen in a theatre:
You Me Aur Hum. Today. A few hours ago. Argh!

What book are you reading?
Artemis Fowl; A Suitable Boy; Che's Diary, the Bolivia one.

Favourite board game:
Too many! I like! But they always cheat in Scotland Yard :( And no snide comments about how I always lose please ;)

Favourite magazine:

Favourite smells:

Wet earth, sigh. What a high. Dad. Panther Boy. Sometimes some books. Subu on most days. oh! oranges! hehehehe :)

Favourite sound:
sometimes, no sound. and sometimes so many. oh so many :)

Worst feeling in the world:
Aaki said it. I dont like :( Not her saying it that is, lol. ;)

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Mm? Its time to get up already? Already????

Favourite fast food place:
Mm. Stupid question.

Future child’s name:
I think I'll let him/her choose theirs =/

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
blow it. On good food, on trips, on massive bathrooms like Hogwarts' Prefect's loo.

Do you drive fast?
When I'm alone. Which is not exactly a good thing :S Literally that is. Metaphorically... Well I've begun. I dont know if its a good thing or not?

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Nai. I once slept with a huge dog someone gave me for my birthday that day and I had a nightmare about it. It was terrible. I dont like stuffed things in my bed :S Except pillows.

Storms - Cool or Scary?
Oh VEVY cool ;) ;)

Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
I dont waste food, so I probably would, except I don't know if I would ever order broccoli. Or cook it.

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice?
Purple! Blue! It keeps changing! What I want that is. Never my hair =/

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Delhi. Oh and Delhi. I would say damn but I love the place. But I will live in many cities :)

Favourite sports to watch:
Almost none. I would much rather play. But tennis I guess.

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
Aaki! The weird fellow blogger thing is not enough to know a person well. But I love the way she can write, I love the way she lives. And doesn't just exist.

What’s under your bed?
Okay no jokes about monsters. Not cool :S

Would you like to be born as yourself again?
I love living as me. But then why would I want it all over again? Another thing, which I should love almost as much, if not more.

Morning person or night owl?
I would say neither, but probably the latter.

Over easy or sunny side up?
Over easy now... Used to be sunny side up since forever.

Favourite place to relax:
Different places at different times.

:) I just had a series of photographic clicks sort of things of the places I would like being/have liked being in. Happy :)

Favourite pie:
Heeheehee. This is not fair!

Favourite ice cream flavour:
Coffee. Sometimes a bit of everything else :)

You pass this tag to –

You, you, you and you. And You!!!!

Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?

Lets see :) I like not to be presumptuous. Nah. I just hate being wrong ;P


The Cat said...

heh. you've met me a couple of times and all, so in the about me nice question, you could've always written that i;m very prettay. :P


Hanedin said...

Why will she lie. :D

And broccoli, I shall make. And yes, the stems are delicious. Sauted with butter. Lemon and pepper. Midnight, rain. Lovely :)