Sunday, December 23, 2007


It was monumentally ugly, the monster. The sly yellow eyes with red pupils, the black gaping mouth with the snake like sticky tongue that slid in and out of the inside of thick swollen purple lips that spread over the expanse of his lower jaw in a sloppy, misshappen mess lent a grotesqueness to it. The head was huge and spread more horizontally than vertically, with a few sparse, straw-like strands which lay flat and fuzzy on the blotched skin. The ears were tiny and delicate-looking, like an artist had drawn them most carefully, intending it for another face. The bits of thick fuzz that stuck out from these ears seemed to restore the demonic stamp back to this characteristic of its body. Thick folds of grey green skin formed the neck and the thick stubby arms were joined to the body by bulky shoulders that rose so high that the neck seemed to be sunk in it. The rest of his body was lost in the darkness that surrounded him. The darkness that he commanded to be his.

1 comment:

Confused n Baffled said...

you get strange xmas gifts.