Sunday, July 08, 2007

It’s raining here. Come out, if you won't catch a cold. Don't come if you shiver at the thought of the sheets of rain slapping your skin. Each time it hits you, you can’t wince. The wind has whipped up and come if you can survive. Come if you won’t be blown away, or if you don’t have to bow your head against the wind in order to pass. You can’t run for shelter, you can’t cover your head with your hands and shrink within yourself in apprehension. If you come, come with your head uncovered, with your heart light and your senses awakened. You can’t come here if you whimper when the hails fall. The skies have opened up today and the gods test us. We need the bravest and the strongest. You all, who are weak, you know. Stay away, and let us win this.


Confused n Baffled said...

meanwhile, work continues on the mighty ark. muhaha! muhahahahahaha!

ami said...

Haha ! I just realised the connection ! Yus yus, weak one, go hide in your ark. And let the ugly females brave it out :P

Hanedin said...

I don't get it?

kyra said...

yay for the ugly females! :)

ami said...

@ hanedin

The post ?

@ kyra

Ze ugly females rock !